UlmDevice (http://ulmdevice.altervista.org) is a simple and free IDE for your mobile and desktop applications. Script tries to auto-detect the programming language used, embed code editor and export it as pdf format
* No register or login required. You can work offline
* Save code in your Android storage
* Print code as pdf format
* Drag & Drop to open file (Chromebooks or for computer desktop with HTML5 modern browsers). You can use button toolbar too to open single file (for all devices)
* Undo & Redo buttons
* Bluetooth keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Space to autocomplete the code
* Search/Replace string and jump to line (Using advanced functions with bluetooth keyboard shortcuts too)
Details about bluetooth keyboard shortcuts:
* Ctrl-F / Cmd-F (Mac): Search
* Ctrl-G / Cmd-G (Mac): Search next
* Shift-Ctrl-G / Shift-Cmd-G (Mac): Search previous
* Shift-Ctrl-F / Cmd-Option-F (Mac): Search and Replace
* Shift-Ctrl-R / Shift-Cmd-Option-F (Mac): Replace All
* ALT-G: Jump to line
* Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y / Cmd-Z and Cmd-Y (Mac): Undo & Redo
Important notice
To view files saved in your Phone file system I suggest you use the Files by Google application. Unfortunately, the native file systems of some smartphones limit the complete display of folders and files
Thank you for your patience